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Atomic Swap

Atomic Swap – Crypto Glossary Definition:

An Atomic Swap refers to the decentralized exchange of cryptocurrencies between different blockchain networks, executed directly between two parties without the need for an intermediary or centralized exchange. This method of trading is designed to enhance trustlessness and security in cryptocurrency transactions.

How Atomic Swaps Work:

Atomic swaps leverage specialized smart contracts known as Hash Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) to enable peer-to-peer cross-chain trading without reliance on a third-party entity. Here’s a breakdown of how they operate:

  1. Creation of HTLC: The two parties involved in the swap set up a Hash Timelock Contract. This smart contract acts as a secure vault or escrow, requiring both participants to deposit their respective cryptocurrencies.
  2. Conditional Execution: The execution of the swap is contingent on specific conditions, typically including the deposit of a predetermined amount of cryptocurrency by each party. The smart contract enforces these conditions.
  3. Cryptographic Proofs: To complete the swap, both parties must provide cryptographic proofs within a predefined time limit. These proofs validate their agreement to the transaction and the fulfillment of the conditions.
  4. Automatic Settlement: If either party fails to provide the necessary proofs within the allotted time, the smart contract automatically refunds the deposited cryptocurrencies to their respective owners. This ensures the security and fairness of the swap.

The term “atomic” in atomic swaps signifies that the transaction either happens entirely, according to the agreed terms, or not at all. There is no intermediate state, providing a high level of certainty in cryptocurrency exchanges.

Atomic swaps are designed to eliminate the need for centralized intermediaries, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, enhancing user control and security. They are particularly valuable for enabling trustless trading across different blockchain networks, allowing users to exchange assets like Bitcoin for Ethereum without relying on wrapped tokens or centralized platforms.

While atomic swaps have primarily been implemented on-chain, efforts are ongoing to develop off-chain atomic swaps for improved transaction speed and scalability, although they are still a work in progress. These swaps play a crucial role in advancing the decentralization and security of cryptocurrency trading.

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